medical aesthetics Archives - Elase Your trusted provider of medical spa service Tue, 07 Sep 2021 17:03:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 medical aesthetics Archives - Elase 32 32 Passion Equals Peace Mon, 28 Apr 2014 16:26:25 +0000 One of the newest member’s of the Elase family tackles a topic we all can relate to: finding your passion.  I think one of the most important things we can do in life is finding something to be passionate about. The world is full of possibilities and when we put our hearts into something that […]

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One of the newest member’s of the Elase family tackles a topic we all can relate to: finding your passion. 

I think one of the most important things we can do in life is finding something to be passionate about. The world is full of possibilities and when we put our hearts into something that we love, we create a world of happiness.

There are so many ways to spend our time, with time being our most valuable gift, it is very important that we take into account how we spend it.

People often misconstrue time spent on self-growth as a selfish act, but to truly contribute the best that you have to this world, you have to create a life of happiness for yourself.

My passion is my horses. I spend a large amount of time working with them, and building a partnership to be a competitive barrel racer. Being a competitor takes so much time and work to be physically and mentally prepared. When racing through the barrel pattern as fast as you can, your timing with your horse is everything; focusing on your muscle memory to be in tune with your partner. Not only is it physically demanding but it is mentally challenging. Having a beautiful run in the arena and being a winner, displays you are the strongest in talent and mental toughness combined. I love to learn and my horses teach me something new every day.  It is something I love and it is something that makes me happy.

I challenge you to find something that makes you happy. Make it a point to spend time with your passion. Let it be your serenity and help you create peace within yourself. In turn you will be happy and therefore, you will offer the best you have to the world around you.

“If you give the world the best you have, the best will come back to you.”


Written By Kelsie Smith 4.28.14

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Bio-Identical Hormones at Elase + A Giveaway Fri, 22 Nov 2013 20:11:31 +0000 Elase Spas has partnered with The Gilded Pear to bring you a FREE CHEMICAL PEEL! But, before you go… Read about her latest experience with Hormone Therapy at Elase Spas: It is no secret that I have PCOS and my hormones are completely out of control. In fact, infertility and adoption are things we […]

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Elase Spas has partnered with The Gilded Pear to bring you a FREE CHEMICAL PEEL!

But, before you go…

Read about her latest experience with Hormone Therapy at Elase Spas:

It is no secret that I have PCOS and my hormones are completely out of control. In fact, infertility and adoption are things we often talk about around here, that kind of talk is completely welcome and normal to us (so much so that sometimes I forget it isn’t normal to talk about with just anyone ;-). What I don’t always talk about is the crazy, hormonal banshee that is around our house sometimes. So here we go, let’s get real about it.

There are some days where I want to rip my hair out, where I know that I am being completely ridiculous and think to myself, you’ve got to pull it together, but I really just can’t. My hormones take over and I am all over the place. I am certain I should probably lock myself in my room and not come out (and trust me, that has happened and probably welcomed by my family members).

But my insane cycles that I have had since I was 12 years old just added to all of that and I would turn into a raging lunatic. While I thought some of that had gotten better, I realize now that I had just accepted the fact that my hormones were that way and tried to deal with it in the best way I could.

What I didn’t know up until 5 months ago was how much better it could be. When I had the opportunity to work with Elase I was excited about so many things. Of course getting rid of my manbeard was at the top of the list (thank you PCOS), the VIVE weight loss program, photo facials, chemical peels and even Botox, but I was also completely intrigued by the bio-identical hormone therapy. So, I set up an appointment to meet with Catherine, the nurse practitioner at Elase, and had my blood work done.

I went back the next week to go over the results and she asked me a few questions. For example, did I felt anxious? Sure, sometimes. She asked me if I had a hard time sleeping. Yes, but I am a busy mom of three with a lot on my plate!!! She asked me if I felt like I was always in attack mode and if even the smallest things irritated me. And I asked her if she had talked to my husband! Because certainly he must have told her how insane I could be because she was describing me to a tee. And then we laughed and laughed because that is one of my favorite things to do with the ladies at Elase.

Catherine knew exactly why I was feeling that way and went over my blood work with me pointing out how low my progesterone was (basically non-existent) and how high my testosterone was (almost triple what it should be) as well as the lack of Vitamin D in my body. She went over the good aspects too like my thyroid and cholesterol levels. She sent in a prescription for progesterone and told me to use it as a tool. If I was feeling anxious and irritated I should take some progesterone because more than likely I was lacking and could use that boost.

I am so, so glad I went to see Catherine to see how bio-identical hormones could help me. I haven’t felt this good in ages. Truly. I don’t feel like the crazy, hormonal banshee that I was (and had been for a while). As long as I have my progesterone and Vitamin D, I feel like my best self (except those days I forget and then I see a glimpse of that crazy banshee self that no one misses around here!). And this may be too much information (I told you I was keeping it real) but for the first time in my life, I have had a regular cycle for five months in a row. I will spare you the details but that alone has changed my life! I never knew it should be like this because it never has been until now. Thank you, Catherine & Elase! You are the best!

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Botox from Elase Medical Spa — The Results Tue, 15 Oct 2013 04:08:37 +0000 Friends. I. Love. Botox. Check out my before and after photos, they speak for themselves: Before:        After:   My after photos were taken (by my 9 year old, sorry they are a little blurry.) 8 days after my treatment.Everything Shari told me to expect happened. My forehead felt “heavy” for the entire week. I would […]

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Check out my before and after photos, they speak for themselves:


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My after photos were taken (by my 9 year old, sorry they are a little blurry.) 8 days after my treatment.Everything Shari told me to expect happened. My forehead felt “heavy” for the entire week. I would find myself purposefully trying to move my forehead to see if it would wrinkle, and it wouldn’t! These were the only side effects I had. As you can see, the results were amazing and yet subtle. I could still express myself through facial expressions, but the wrinkling was dramatically decreased.

I understand Botox lasts around 4 months time. Would I do have Botox again?ABSOLUTELY! As I mentioned in my previous post, it is virtually painless. At least it was for me. So painless in fact I can’t quite find something to compare the miniscule amount of pain that I had.

One thing that I learned? Botox can help PREVENT wrinkles from forming. Say what? I always thought Botox was for ‘old’ ladies, I could not have been further from the truth. How amazing is it to have a product on the market that can prevent you from ever having to suffer from wrinkling? How lovely to keep your younger skin looking young before it has a chance to be scarred with wrinkles and lines? I am impressed and amazed and my mind is forever changed.

Check out Elase Medical Spa’s website for more information on membership fees for Botox and their other amazing services!

Written by Kim Orlandini 10.7.13


The post Botox from Elase Medical Spa — The Results appeared first on Elase.
