hair removal Archives - Elase Your trusted provider of medical spa service Tue, 07 Sep 2021 16:51:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 hair removal Archives - Elase 32 32 How Effective Is Laser Hair Removal [Shaving vs Waxing] Fri, 15 Jul 2016 20:05:15 +0000 Hair removal! We invest time, energy, and money over a lifetime to get it done. Some methods cost more money while others cost more time. We compared the costs of shaving vs laser vs waxing, along with the effectiveness of each, and here’s what we found. When comparing laser hair removal vs waxing vs shaving, […]

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Hair removal! We invest time, energy, and money over a lifetime to get it done. Some methods cost more money while others cost more time. We compared the costs of shaving vs laser vs waxing, along with the effectiveness of each, and here’s what we found.

When comparing laser hair removal vs waxing vs shaving, there are some clear differences. Before we get into the nitty-gritty, let’s define each process.

We’re all pretty familiar with shaving (cutting hair off a part of the body with a razor blade). Most of us know about waxing (removing hair by applying wax, usually heated, letting it cool slightly, and peeling off the wax and hair together). Some have heard of laser hair removal (exposing the hair to pulses of laser light that destroy the hair follicles).

Now that we have the definitions out of the way, let’s dig deeper into the questions surrounding laser hair removal vs waxing vs shaving so we can get a better view of how these three compare to each other for successful hair removal.

Your Money

Shaving removes the fewest dollars from your wallet. In the long run, laser costs 3 times as much as shaving and waxing costs 6 times as much.

In comparing costs of laser to waxing, laser takes an initial investment in year-one ($2-3k) to get started with a series of treatments, but after that, ongoing maintenance with laser is less expensive than waxing. To compare, after 20 years, waxing costs an accumulated $7,000 more than laser.

That’s the money cost. However, hair removal costs money and time.


Your Time

The numbers flip when it comes to your time investment. Shaving will take you 7 times longer than waxing and 24 times longer than laser. In a ten-year period, you’ll spend an accumulated 16.7 days shaving, 2.5 days waxing, or 0.7 days with laser. Shaving shaves 16 more days off of your life than laser. And consider when you spend time shaving—either at night when you’re tired and worn out or in the morning when you’re rushing to get ready and get moving. That’s valuable time!

The Feel

But what about the pain? Although shaving is certainly not pain free, people generally agree that it’s the least discomforting of the three. But don’t forget about razor burns and cuts, and that you’re shaving hundreds of times a year. Waxing and laser initially give a moderate level of discomfort but after time, you get used to them. Waxing is considered more painful than laser. Laser feels like getting flicked by a rubber band. And waxing, well… it feels like getting your hair pulled out.

How Effective Is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal is the fastest growing, most requested cosmetic service…in part because of its effectiveness. Results are usually seen immediately after treatment. In fact, The American Academy of Dermatology says you can expect a 10-25% reduction in hair after the first treatment, though it does vary by patient.

The factors in how well laser hair removal works include:

  • The color and thickness of your hair
  • The area you’re treating
  • The color of your skin
  • The type of laser being used

Most patients need 4-7 laser hair removal treatments to get rid of hair completely. Treated skin will remain hair-free for several months, up to a few years. When the hair does eventually grow back in, there tends to be less of it and it tends to be finer and lighter in color. Maintenance treatments are suggested to keep hair growth at bay.

How Effective Is Waxing?

Waxing is a popular way to remove hair. So is waxing better than shaving? The upsides are that waxing can slow (but not stop) hair regrowth over time.

There are a few downsides, though. One downside is that hair length should be ¼ to ¾ of an inch long before waxing. That means you will need to grow out some stubble before you can remove it. Another downside is that waxing needs to be done regularly, about every 3-4 weeks.

There are two main categories of hair removal wax, soft and hard.

Soft wax, also known as strip wax, is applied in a thin layer in the direction of hair growth and taken off quickly in the opposite direction with a strip of thin fabric. Since many different companies make hair removal wax, the quality can vary greatly. Soft wax can be heated, cold, or in pre-made strips.

  • Heated: This wax is in a pot and softened in a microwave or via warmer. The heat allows the wax to spread easily and softens the skin.
  • Cold: This wax is applied directly out of its pot and onto the skin. The wax is more firm, making it tricky to layer on thinly. It is also usually found to be more painful and less effective.
  • Pre-Made Strips: The wax is already attached to strips so there is no pot of wax. The strips should, however, be rubbed between the hands to heat them up before applying them to the skin. While these strips are often touted as being able to be used more than once in an area, they aren’t particularly effective even the first time of use.

Hard wax is warmed up and does not need a strip to remove it because as it cools, it hardens up and becomes a strip itself.

How Effective Is Shaving?

Shaving is widely used, mostly because it’s one of the first things we learn to do once puberty hits and many people never take a moment to consider the better alternatives. While shaving will effectively remove hair, it must be done every 1-2 days to keep skin smooth. Even when freshly shaven, unsightly stubble is often visible, especially on fair skin.

The Verdict on Laser Hair Removal vs Waxing vs Shaving

So what’s the verdict on laser hair removal vs waxing vs shaving? Well, you tell us!

Though shaving is less expensive than laser and waxing, it’s a laborious activity that eats up your time. But, if you don’t mind shaving every day and are accepting of visible stubble, shaving is a classic way to remove hair on the surface of your skin.

If you want longer-lasting hair removal, don’t mind heading back to the salon every month indefinitely, and growing your stubble out beforehand isn’t a big deal, then waxing is a worthy opponent.

However, if you want to get rid of your body hair for good with only a few easy treatments, the winner is clear: Laser hair removal wins by a long shot. Save hundreds of hours of your life and be worry-free with laser, which is thousands of dollars cheaper than waxing in the long run, takes a fourth of the time, and leaves you with the smoothest skin for the longest time.

Visit Elase Today

With four locations to serve all your medical-grade skin care needs including laser hair removal, visit Elase today!

Assumptions used in this comparison:

  • Hair removal from legs and underarms.
  • Shaving
    • Cost: $125/yr (avg: 50-150 razor + 12-36 soap/cream)
    • Time: 40 hrs/yr (15 min 3x/week)
  • Laser
    • Cost: $300/yr, after initial 8 sessions at $2,400
    • Time: 1 hr/yr (after 8 hrs for initial sessions)
  • Waxing
    • Cost:  $750/yr (~62/mo. x 12 mo.)
    • Time:  6 hrs/yr (30 min./mo.)

The post How Effective Is Laser Hair Removal [Shaving vs Waxing] appeared first on Elase.

Getting Swimsuit Ready: The Simple “Go SHED” Formula Fri, 08 Apr 2016 16:57:35 +0000 As we emerge from another winter, we’re excited to get out and enjoy that sun with family and friends. Summer fun means shedding those layers and going au naturale in nothing but swimwear. If you’re like us, this is the point where you start running through that mental checklist on the state of your swim bod—Shape? Weight? Skin? Hair? […]

The post Getting Swimsuit Ready: The Simple “Go SHED” Formula appeared first on Elase.

As we emerge from another winter, we’re excited to get out and enjoy that sun with family and friends. Summer fun means shedding those layers and going au naturale in nothing but swimwear. If you’re like us, this is the point where you start running through that mental checklist on the state of your swim bod—Shape? Weight? Skin? Hair? …and so on. You realize you might have let a few things stray while hibernating and there’s some getting ready to do. There are zillions of tips out there for getting swimsuit ready. We devised this simple formula for swim-ready success: Go SHED. Applying these principles will help you prepare to shed those clothes and have some worry-free summer fun!

Go = Goals

S = Skin

H = Hair Removal

E = Exercise

D = Diet


    • Make them and make them real. Determine what areas you want to improve and how, then set realistic goals—something you know you can achieve in a given time. The important thing is progress, not perfection. If you look around at the pool, you’ll notice most people’s bodies are less than perfect. Choose one or two things you want to improve for this swim season, achieve them, and feel great about that! Celebrate the healthy changes you are making in your life and avoid unrealistic expectations.
  • Remember them. Remember your goals daily. Make a reminder such as placing your written goals or your swimsuit where you’ll remember your goals and strive daily to meet them until swimsuit time.


    • Inspect it. Give your skin a close inspection to know just what state it’s in. This will let you know if it’s in need of some attention. While you’re at it, look closely at any mole or freckle that looks suspicious and if you see any, have a doctor check it out.
    • Soften it. If you want to show off smooth skin this summer, try exfoliating and moisturizing. Exfoliation is the removal of dead skin cells that make skin appear dry, dull, and scaly. Moisturizers help the skin retain water, making it look plumper.
  • Bronze it, don’t tan it. While a tan may look good, it’s the first sign of sun damage to the skin. To avoid the danger of tanning, opt for self-tanners and bronzers rather than the tanning bed.

Hair Removal

  • Plan it, do it. You know all about this chore. Why, you’ve spent cumulative months of your life on a quest to reign in your body’s wild side and remove unwanted hair. Avoid that last-ditch effort with the razor bumps and burns. If you plan ahead and start early, you can address body hair to the swimsuit line using methods that are longer-lasting. Waxing and creams will give you a few weeks without worry. If you want something long-term and worry free, try laser hair removal and experience just how good it can get.


    • Don’t slouch! Good posture is the quickest and easiest way to look better. Slouching makes you inches shorter and makes your tummy look rounder. Form an everyday habit of sitting up and standing with good posture, with your shoulders back, tummy tight, and weight distributed evenly on both hips.
    • Start moving. You’ve heard it before, but it really works: Make a conscious effort to add small bits of physical activity throughout the day. Walk farther, stand more, use the stairs, dance, clean house with vigor, whatever. “It’s like putting pennies in a piggy bank,” says Pamela Peeke, MD, author of Body for Life for Women. “Every single piece of physical activity adds up.” In addition to burning extra calories, you’ll give yourself an energy boost and a mental reset to make it through your hectic day.
    • Every day. Exercise at least 10 minutes each day. Sure, you’ll want to do more than that on some days, but doing just 10 minutes of cardio, stretching or strength training each day will help you make exercise a habit in your life. Here are some simple, do-them-anywhere, yet effective, exercises:
        • Push-Ups, for the biceps, triceps, deltoids, pecs, abs, and glutes.
        • Squats and calf raises, for the butt, thighs, and calves.
      • Pilates, Yoga, or Crunches, for the abs, back, and overall core, these also improve flexibility, posture, and mood.
    • Embrace the resistance. Do weight-bearing or resistance workouts 2-3 times per week to burn calories, boost your metabolism, and develop lean muscles that look and feel better than flab. If you’re not already including weight-bearing exercises in your workout regimen, you should start as soon as possible. Shoot for 3 sets of 10-20 reps.
  • Enjoy it! Choose exercise activity that you enjoy. This way you are more likely to stick with it. Join an exercise class or gym. Enlist the help of a friend by working out with her or checking up on each other’s progress.


    • Make some choices. You don’t have to go on some strange, strict diet, just make some simple choices to reign it in in the right ways. Skip the fries and other fattening fast food. East more veggies and fruit. These foods are full of vitamins and minerals, and will help keep you full and energized throughout the day. Cut back on refined carbohydrates from flour and sugar. Replace soda with juice or any number of less-sugary drinks. Increase lean protein and fiber intake to help slow the digestive process and reduce cravings. Eat breakfast every day to boost your metabolism at the start of the day. To reduce bloating, reduce the salt—it’s everywhere! Snack smart by making healthy snack choices that are ready to go.
  • Stay watered. Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. It is VERY important to stay hydrated. Don’t underestimate it. If you need another reason to drink up, drink this up: the best way to rid yourself of excess water weight is to flush your body with water. So gulp it down like your body depends on it, cause it does! By making some realistic goals in these key areas, giving yourself a reminder, and achieving them daily, you can be ready to SHED those clothes and enjoy that summer fun. So, ‘Go, SHED, Swim!’

Please visit us at Elase for a free consultation with a trained specialist to learn how we can be of assistance in your swimsuit preparations. Check out these hot summer specials:

    • “Try the Trio” Laser Hair Removal Special: bikini, underarm, and half leg for only $89/month!
  • Body Sculpting Special: Purchase the fat-removing Ultrashape service, and receive 3 FREE Velashape cellulite-reducing treatments! Plus, receive double reward points with any body sculpting purchase.

The post Getting Swimsuit Ready: The Simple “Go SHED” Formula appeared first on Elase.
