elase spas utah Archives - Elase https://elase.com/tag/elase-spas-utah/ Your trusted provider of medical spa service Tue, 08 Oct 2013 00:38:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.3.2 https://elase.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/cropped-favvv-32x32.png elase spas utah Archives - Elase https://elase.com/tag/elase-spas-utah/ 32 32 VIVE MEDICAL WEIGHTLOSS – Guest Blogger, Kim Orlandini, Weighs In With Her Opinion! https://elase.com/vive-medical-weightloss-guest-blogger-kim-orlandini-weighs-in-with-her-opinion/ Tue, 08 Oct 2013 00:38:29 +0000 https://elase.com/utah/?p=3252 The moment I stepped into Elase, I was drawn to the “wall of Vive”, along this wall sits the Vive product line and all sorts of other goodies to pique interest. With good reason too because Vive is quite an amazing program, and I was so thrilled when Elase offered me a free week of the Vive program […]

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The moment I stepped into Elase, I was drawn to the “wall of Vive”, along this wall sits the Vive product line and all sorts of other goodies to pique interest. With good reason too because Vive is quite an amazing program, and I was so thrilled when Elase offered me a free week of the Vive program just so that I could tell you about it. How amazing is that?

You all know that I struggle with my weight. It goes up and down and up and down and generally up again. While I know this is part psychological and mostly physical, it drives me crazy, and the opportunity to have a coach work with me through all of the ups and downs sounded like an amazing idea.

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Here are some of the things you get when you sign up for Vive. You get a Blender Bottle, a bottle of oil, two bags of MRP (Meal Replacement Protocol shakes) and some Real Salt.

Then you get a little blood test that measures your cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

And of course, my favorite part of any weight loss, you get weighed and measured.

What I like about Elase is that they have the InBody 520 in office. The InBody is more than just a scale, it is a really awesome scale that measures not only total body weight, but breaks that weight down into lean body mass, body fat mass, intra and extracellular water, your BMI (which we know kind of sucks for everyone), your percentage of body fat, and a segmental lean analysis which helps determine the ratio of muscle on different parts of your body.

Uhm? AMAZING! They do this EVERY WEEK when you weigh in. This helps to pinpoint the areas you are losing weight, whether it is muscle, fat or water…and if you are gaining in these areas as well.

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The program consists of daily exercise routines, drinking 3 WIO Meal Replacement Protocol shakes (The shakes are pretty good, and you get to add 4 ounces of a low carbohydrate shake into them. This makes them creamy. You also have the choice to add flavor supplements to change up the shake flavors a bit. My favorite is peanut butter. I highly recommend the chocolate shakes, I did not like the vanilla MRP at all), and a healthy meal consisting of protein and healthy vegetables. After a few weeks Smart Foods are brought into your diet like yummy muffins, and my favorite, ham, egg, and cheese croissants.

My first week results were as follows:

-1.3 lbs
-.5″ neck
-.75″ bicep
-.25″ shoulders
-1.5″ chest
-1.25″ belly button
-.5″ waist
-.5″ thigh

These are some pretty impressive inch loss numbers.

I enjoyed the results of my first week so much that I signed up for the full program and extended a month. Normally Vive is a 20 week medical weight loss program, but you can extend the program to fit your weight loss needs. You learn how to add healthy foods back into your daily routine and life lessons to keep you on track.

Come back in a few weeks when I give you the entire weight loss breakdown and my final thoughts on the Vive Medical Weight Loss program from Elase Medical Spa.

Call Elase today for your free consultation! 1-801-49-LASER

by Kim Orlandini 2013

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Something I Never Thought I’d Do — Laser Skin Lightening https://elase.com/something-i-never-thought-id-do-laser-skin-lightening/ Tue, 08 Oct 2013 00:23:55 +0000 https://elase.com/utah/?p=3250 Skin Lightening.  I did it.  Just call me Michael Jackson.  Unlike MJ I only had some dark freckles and sunspots removed. I have a friend who, like me, is brand ambassadering for Elase (which means we’re being treated for free in exchange for these posts). She recently underwent the skin lightening procedure and told me that it  hurt […]

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Skin Lightening.  I did it.  Just call me Michael Jackson.  Unlike MJ I only had some dark freckles and sunspots removed.

I have a friend who, like me, is brand ambassadering for Elase (which means we’re being treated for free in exchange for these posts). She recently underwent the skin lightening procedure and told me that it  hurt like a mother in labor!

I was very nervous about this procedure, but I said I would try it and I am a woman of my word.

I was hopeful that hers was painful because she basically had her whole face done.  I was only having a few spots treated.

See the brown spots under my eye and on my cheek on the right side of the photo below?

How to get rid of freckles laser skin lightening

They’re freckles that have always been there but strangely seem to be getting darker with age.

I’ll be honest, I’ve always been aware they were there, but they’ve never really bothered me all that much especially since I didn’t think there was anything you could do about it anyway.

When they told me I could have them removed, I decided to go for it. I know some people have more spots than I do that that DO bother them quite a bit.  I thought you might like to see what it was like to go though this process.

So here’s my before shot wearing NO facial make-up (just mascara and eyeliner).

Laser Skin lightening utah

Below is the after shot in similar light and with the same level of make-up as before.

laser skin lightening results

What you see are the excellent results of just one treatment. Almost totally gone.

It’s typical to be treated twice if necessary and it all counts as the same appointment, meaning you only pay for one appointment.

Now for the question….Was it painful?  I used this stuff 20 minutes before my appointment. Does Laser Hair Removal Hurt?

I slathered it on my face and rubbed it in good.

They gave me this stress ball to hold. Laser Skin Lightening Draper

Then I was really scared.  If they have to provide something to hold on to, it can’t be good, right?

Then I started my procedure.  I love how glamorous I always look during these procedures.Should I get laser skin lightening?

When you go, rest assured that no one will be there to photograph you.  My favorite part is the steel goggles. They make everyone look so normal and great!

I thought I would just have the two or three spots on my cheek done, but they zapped about 20 of my darkest freckle and sunspots. Did it hurt?  No…It did not.

What does laser skin lightening feel like utah

Despite how this looks, nothing touches you.  It’s exactly the same as laser hair removal, but the settings of the machine are focused and intensified.

I won’t say the procedure was comfortable, but I certainly wouldn’t qualify it as pain. All I felt were the tiniest little zips of energy.  It might have felt like little stings with out the use of the Dr. Numb, but with it, I could have done it all day long with out complaint.

She zapped the main spots with the laser several times.  About an hour after the procedure, I could feel a slight sting in those main spots.  It wasn’t painful, I could just tell that something had happened there.

The spots she zapped darkened WAY up immediately afterward and remained dark, dark for several days.  Apparently I was not thoughtful enough to snap a photo of this to show you.  Oops.  I thought I had.

It takes about a week for your face to fully recover.  The spots turn into tiny scabs and when they fall off, the spots are just gone. I took

these shots 10 day after the procedure.

Elase Laser Skin Lightening

I’m very happy with the results. I feel like my face looks smoother and less splotchy than ever before. laser skin lightening results

If you have dark spots or sun damage that bothers you more than it should and you have some money to throw at the problem, just consider getting them treated.

I highly recommend Elase and not just because they’re paying me to say that.  These people are the experts in this State.  They are professional, have the best equipment and most experienced staff.

How to get rid of freckles laser skin lighteningElase Laser Skin Lightening

You might be able to find it cheaper somewhere else, but do you want a discount laser job on your face?  You get what you pay for and for what my opinion is worth, I say Elase is the way to go.  Watch for specials or packages.  They do their best give offer fair pricing.

Obagi Skin Care Line Utah

If you’re not ready for the laser and don’t think there are any other options, I have it on good authority (I have not tried this system) that this Obagi line of products is basically a miracle for all over complexion correction.

I’m not sure what the system costs, but it’s not cheap.  But, like I said before, you get what you pay for and from the before and after shots I saw, this is a miracle in a bottle.

by Kristin 2013

Originally posted on: http://www.thevocalsokol.com/laser-skin-lightening-utah/2013/09/26/

The post Something I Never Thought I’d Do — Laser Skin Lightening appeared first on Elase.

Are You A Skincare Saboteur? https://elase.com/are-you-a-skincare-saboteur/ Wed, 10 Jul 2013 01:39:27 +0000 https://elase.com/utah/?p=3157 Saboteur: a person who hinders or uses a treacherous action to defeat an endeavor. Hmmm… I believe I am a skincare saboteur. I’ve know that I’ve committed at least one or two of the following skincare no-no’s in my lifetime. What about you? Pillows Your pillow is not the friend you think it is. Pillows […]

The post Are You A Skincare Saboteur? appeared first on Elase.

Saboteur: a person who hinders or uses a treacherous action to defeat an endeavor.

Hmmm… I believe I am a skincare saboteur.

I’ve know that I’ve committed at least one or two of the following skincare no-no’s in my lifetime. What about you?


Your pillow is not the friend you think it is. Pillows can cause serious skin problems if you don’t wash your make-up off every single night – yes… every single night. That’s because as you rub your face back and forth across your pillow – you’re grinding in that daily make-up and grime. Ugh!

So, if you can’t manage to sleep on your back then wash or change your pillowcase every other day and consider silk pillowcases to protect your skin’s elasticity.

Using Products Past Their Prime

I’ve always used this test to decide if my make-up or skincare products are still good. Does it look different or smell funny? I know better.

The experts tell us that lotion-based products have a shelf life of one year and powder-based products should be thrown out before they reach the two-year mark.

Also, if you’ve had any kind of eye infection, cold sore, or contagious-anything related to your skin, get rid of those products pronto!

The Wrong Skin Care Procedures and Products

Dry, oily, or combination – throw in some acne or age spots and knowing how to handle your skin care concerns is a best guess for anyone. The answer is simpler that you think. Get a consultation from an expert like an experienced Master Esthetician.

They are guides who will show you the way so that you’ll understand exactly what products and procedures you need so you can stop guessing and start saving money.

Dirty Make-up Brushes

Clean those make-up brushes at least once a week by saturating them with alcohol and then wiping them on a clean cloth to remove product, oil, and bacteria. And the expert recommendation is that at least once a month you shampoo your brushes with warm water and a gentle shampoo.

Taking A Long, Hot Shower To Open Your Pores

People still do this? According to NYC Dermatologist, Dr. Amy Wechsler, yes, and it’s messing with their skin. “Everyone loves the way a long, hot shower feels, and there is belief that the steam from the shower can help your pores,” she says. “Hot water dissolves your natural body oils and makes skin dry. Instead, aim for shorter showers in warm water. Once you’re out of the shower, use three separate towels to dry off (one for your face, one for your body and one for your hair), and moisturize your face first, then your body.”

To talk about your skin concerns or to receive a free skincare consultation with an Elase Spa Master Esthetician or physician in Utah, call 1-801- 495-2737 because I’d lay money on the fact that you too are a skincare saboteur.

The post Are You A Skincare Saboteur? appeared first on Elase.
