blog Archives - Elase Your trusted provider of medical spa service Tue, 15 Apr 2014 21:24:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 blog Archives - Elase 32 32 The Art of Manscaping Tue, 15 Apr 2014 21:24:55 +0000 Let’s talk.  Man to man.  It’s a subject that probably didn’t come up on the golf course last week, or anytime for that matter.  It’s your underarm hair.  Yeah, I went there.   A man-to-man talk about arm pit hair!  Guess what?  You don’t need it, as in: it’s time to get rid of it.  Forever. […]

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Let’s talk.  Man to man.  It’s a subject that probably didn’t come up on the golf course last week, or anytime for that matter.  It’s your underarm hair.  Yeah, I went there.   A man-to-man talk about arm pit hair!  Guess what?  You don’t need it, as in: it’s time to get rid of it.  Forever.

Now, I may have offended some of you with this bold talk.  If so, you can go back to updating your MySpace page.  This isn’t for you.  But from the rest of you, I just ask for 1 more minute of your time and a little honesty.

Underarm hair is nasty.  It looks bad.  It smells bad.  It chews up your deodorant.  It snags and pulls.  It’s wrong and it needs to go.  So unless your “significant other” likes to run her hands through your underarm hair, you have no reason to keep it.  Trust me.  I’ve permanently removed my underarm hair and I haven’t missed it even once!  In fact, I can’t imagine having it back.

If I still haven’t convinced you, then maybe this helps:

Enough said (and seen?).  Now, let’s talk about how to do it.  Yes, you could borrow your wife’s razor, cut yourself up and clog your drain every month, but please don’t even consider shaving.  The only answer here is LASER HAIR REMOVAL.  There is no second option.  Laser hair removal will permanently remove or significantly reduce the hair.  It’s affordable, virtually painless, and easy.  Come and see us at the Elase Medical Spas and let us take care of things from here.

Written by Matt Brinton

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Twin Tested Face Off Fri, 07 Feb 2014 00:47:55 +0000 We were privileged to have Brooke and Brittany Graham of KUTV’s “Twin Tested” stop by Elase Spas for an Emage Skin Analysis.  Read on for their opinion of this innovative technology, available to all, at our Draper, Sugar House, and all new Farmington location. We have always been hyper sensitive about our skin because growing […]

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We were privileged to have Brooke and Brittany Graham of KUTV’s “Twin Tested” stop by Elase Spas for an Emage Skin Analysis.  Read on for their opinion of this innovative technology, available to all, at our Draper, Sugar House, and all new Farmington location.

We have always been hyper sensitive about our skin because growing up we definitely had our fair share of annoying teenage acne (we will spare you the photographic evidence).

Luckily, we have found a few things that work for us in the skincare world and don’t have to deal with blemishes quite as frequently anymore.

We recently heard about Emage Skin Analysis and decided to go to Elase Spa to test it out.

It sounds intimidating, but it’s actually amazing technology.

By simply taking three different pictures of your face using different lights, they are able to count your pores, see sun damage and find out where future wrinkles will form.

The best part, it is totally FREE!

Anyone can go to Elase and get the analysis done in less than 15 minutes.

They not only tell you a ton about your skin, but you leave with samples of skin care products picked out specifically for your skin needs.

Pretty neat.

We found out that we both have good skin tone, but we have clogged pores around our noses (ewww) and sun damage around our eyes (sunglasses forever and always). They gave us several cleansers, gels and moisturizers to reverse and remedy those issues.

By the way, I would like my future home to be designed after the new Elase location at Station Park in Farmington… it is gorgeous!

We are giving away one laser hair removal membership or 20 units of Botox to 2 lucky people for the new Station Park location!

They have locations in Sugarhouse, Draper and Farmington. Plus, they were just featured in Forbes!

Comment below to enter to win!!!

***You must live in Utah to enter the contest. You have to give us your email address in your comment so that we can contact you if you win.

One person will win the botox another person will win the laser hair removal. Good Luck ***

To schedule your FREE Emage Skin Analysis, call 801.49.LASER today! 

Blog courtesy of

Published 2.6.14 Reposted 2.6.14 by Lindsey Walkenhorst

The post Twin Tested Face Off appeared first on Elase.

Bio-Identical Hormones at Elase + A Giveaway Fri, 22 Nov 2013 20:11:31 +0000 Elase Spas has partnered with The Gilded Pear to bring you a FREE CHEMICAL PEEL! But, before you go… Read about her latest experience with Hormone Therapy at Elase Spas: It is no secret that I have PCOS and my hormones are completely out of control. In fact, infertility and adoption are things we […]

The post Bio-Identical Hormones at Elase + A Giveaway appeared first on Elase.

Elase Spas has partnered with The Gilded Pear to bring you a FREE CHEMICAL PEEL!

But, before you go…

Read about her latest experience with Hormone Therapy at Elase Spas:

It is no secret that I have PCOS and my hormones are completely out of control. In fact, infertility and adoption are things we often talk about around here, that kind of talk is completely welcome and normal to us (so much so that sometimes I forget it isn’t normal to talk about with just anyone ;-). What I don’t always talk about is the crazy, hormonal banshee that is around our house sometimes. So here we go, let’s get real about it.

There are some days where I want to rip my hair out, where I know that I am being completely ridiculous and think to myself, you’ve got to pull it together, but I really just can’t. My hormones take over and I am all over the place. I am certain I should probably lock myself in my room and not come out (and trust me, that has happened and probably welcomed by my family members).

But my insane cycles that I have had since I was 12 years old just added to all of that and I would turn into a raging lunatic. While I thought some of that had gotten better, I realize now that I had just accepted the fact that my hormones were that way and tried to deal with it in the best way I could.

What I didn’t know up until 5 months ago was how much better it could be. When I had the opportunity to work with Elase I was excited about so many things. Of course getting rid of my manbeard was at the top of the list (thank you PCOS), the VIVE weight loss program, photo facials, chemical peels and even Botox, but I was also completely intrigued by the bio-identical hormone therapy. So, I set up an appointment to meet with Catherine, the nurse practitioner at Elase, and had my blood work done.

I went back the next week to go over the results and she asked me a few questions. For example, did I felt anxious? Sure, sometimes. She asked me if I had a hard time sleeping. Yes, but I am a busy mom of three with a lot on my plate!!! She asked me if I felt like I was always in attack mode and if even the smallest things irritated me. And I asked her if she had talked to my husband! Because certainly he must have told her how insane I could be because she was describing me to a tee. And then we laughed and laughed because that is one of my favorite things to do with the ladies at Elase.

Catherine knew exactly why I was feeling that way and went over my blood work with me pointing out how low my progesterone was (basically non-existent) and how high my testosterone was (almost triple what it should be) as well as the lack of Vitamin D in my body. She went over the good aspects too like my thyroid and cholesterol levels. She sent in a prescription for progesterone and told me to use it as a tool. If I was feeling anxious and irritated I should take some progesterone because more than likely I was lacking and could use that boost.

I am so, so glad I went to see Catherine to see how bio-identical hormones could help me. I haven’t felt this good in ages. Truly. I don’t feel like the crazy, hormonal banshee that I was (and had been for a while). As long as I have my progesterone and Vitamin D, I feel like my best self (except those days I forget and then I see a glimpse of that crazy banshee self that no one misses around here!). And this may be too much information (I told you I was keeping it real) but for the first time in my life, I have had a regular cycle for five months in a row. I will spare you the details but that alone has changed my life! I never knew it should be like this because it never has been until now. Thank you, Catherine & Elase! You are the best!

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BOTOX® and JUVÉDERM® | Elase Medical Spas Tue, 12 Nov 2013 23:09:57 +0000 When I first decided to have Elase Medical Spas give me BOTOX® , I never thought I would love it so much that I would want to do it again, but I did! This time I took my awesome brother Marcus along to help capture it all for you. Marcus also happens to be one of my photography […]

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When I first decided to have Elase Medical Spas give me BOTOX® , I never thought I would love it so much that I would want to do it again, but I did!
This time I took my awesome brother Marcus along to help capture it all for you. Marcus also happens to be one of my photography students, and he did an amazing job, so again, many thanks Marcus from me and from Elase Medical Spas.

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Isn’t Elase so beautiful? Every time I go to Elase it feels like, well a trip to the spa! It feels like home. Everything is so fresh and clean and every single employee is so friendly. My favorite is walking in, and I hear, “Hi Kim!” It is almost like a 2013 version of Cheers, except I am Norm.

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Here I am ready to consult with Shari, my injector.

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Shari is model gorgeous, and the nicest and smartest woman you will ever ever meet. I just adore her. Here we are consulting about what I hope to accomplish. My first visit I was so nervous that I asked for the bare minimum (which I loved) here I am saying, “Give me what you got!” (With a little more proper English.)

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After discussing what I wanted, we compared to what we did the first time, and decided to go about twice as much on my upper forehead as we did the first time, and to hit my “grouch lines” as I call them, right between they eyes.

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I also have this wicked awesome scar on my forehead from where my 5 or 6 year old self went head first into the handlebars of a three wheeler when we were snow tubing with my family.

On my first visit, Shari and I discussed using JUVÉDERM® to fill in that little area of my forehead. This is where we began.

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Here Shari is putting the JUVÉDERM® in with the tiniest needle ever. (The needles she uses are the same size as an insulin needle. The needle on the left is the one she uses, the needle on the right is the size the JUVÉDERM® comes in.) it did not hurt in the slightest.

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Shari was just ooohing and awwing and I couldn’t wait to see for myself. Even my brother was impressed with how JUVÉDERM®just pumped out that little scar.

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While nothing can be done about the lighter discoloration of the scar except for makeup, you can see here how the divot of the scar is virtually gone.

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Me in love with the results of the JUVÉDERM®…my face looks so gross this close up.

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Onto my BOTOX® before and after. My grouch lines are above and my worry lines below. Shari says my muscles are really strong, so it took a bit of BOTOX® to freeze them up.

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A little prep.

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I wanted to pay VERY close attention to how it FELT to have BOTOX®. I wanted to be able to describe it to you, and the best thing Shari and I could come up with is that, at least for me, it doesn’t hurt, but feels more like an annoying mosquito bite.

I almost feel weird mentioning this next bit because you would not understand what I mean unless and until you have it done for yourself, but it almost feels like it crunches when it goes in. Like the way your teeth feel biting into a chip? It doesn’t hurt, that is just the only way I know how to describe it.

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Some people bleed a little, some don’t. I am a little bit of a bleeder. No big deal. Shari just applied some pressure. I hope this doesn’t make anyone pass out! SO worth a little bit of blood to rid myself of these gross lines.

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Let’s get rid of those forehead lines!

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After the BOTOX® treatment was done we had a bit of JUVÉDERM® left, so Shari talked me into putting a tiny little pout in my lips. I will not lie, this hurt a bit. The reason for this is that our lips have many, many more nerve endings. I have a high tolerance for pain, and luckily JUVÉDERM® has a numbing agent in it to help ease this pain. The pain only lasted as while she was injecting, with just a mild sensitivity for the next day or so.

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A little bit of blood.

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My cute little pout is complete! I LOVE IT. Oh my goodness I love it. JUVÉDERM® lasts anywhere from 6 months to a year, and longer the more treatments you have.

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Love cute little Shari! Thank you SO much!

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Now, all of you have been wondering, “Yes it is awesome, but HOW MUCH DOES IT COST?!” There is no straight forward answer since everyone is different, everyone’s needs and desires will be different. Remember I mentioned I have strong facial muscles? You may not. Your best bet will be to call Elase, and schedule a free consulation.

Plans however, start at $69 a month.

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Here I am 20 minutes after my appointment. The redness is gone, and as you can see no bruising, or signs that I had anything done, other than my AMAZING lips.

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Come back next Monday to see my results. I PROMISE you won’t want to miss it. Rumor has it I may be giving away some BOTOX®love.
Check out Elase Medical Spa’s website for more information on membership fees for BOTOX® and their other amazing services!

Written by Kim Orlandini November 2013
Check out all of her amazing blogs at:

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Botox from Elase Medical Spa — The Results Tue, 15 Oct 2013 04:08:37 +0000 Friends. I. Love. Botox. Check out my before and after photos, they speak for themselves: Before:        After:   My after photos were taken (by my 9 year old, sorry they are a little blurry.) 8 days after my treatment.Everything Shari told me to expect happened. My forehead felt “heavy” for the entire week. I would […]

The post Botox from Elase Medical Spa — The Results appeared first on Elase.




Check out my before and after photos, they speak for themselves:


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My after photos were taken (by my 9 year old, sorry they are a little blurry.) 8 days after my treatment.Everything Shari told me to expect happened. My forehead felt “heavy” for the entire week. I would find myself purposefully trying to move my forehead to see if it would wrinkle, and it wouldn’t! These were the only side effects I had. As you can see, the results were amazing and yet subtle. I could still express myself through facial expressions, but the wrinkling was dramatically decreased.

I understand Botox lasts around 4 months time. Would I do have Botox again?ABSOLUTELY! As I mentioned in my previous post, it is virtually painless. At least it was for me. So painless in fact I can’t quite find something to compare the miniscule amount of pain that I had.

One thing that I learned? Botox can help PREVENT wrinkles from forming. Say what? I always thought Botox was for ‘old’ ladies, I could not have been further from the truth. How amazing is it to have a product on the market that can prevent you from ever having to suffer from wrinkling? How lovely to keep your younger skin looking young before it has a chance to be scarred with wrinkles and lines? I am impressed and amazed and my mind is forever changed.

Check out Elase Medical Spa’s website for more information on membership fees for Botox and their other amazing services!

Written by Kim Orlandini 10.7.13


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VIVE MEDICAL WEIGHTLOSS – Guest Blogger, Kim Orlandini, Weighs In With Her Opinion! Tue, 08 Oct 2013 00:38:29 +0000 The moment I stepped into Elase, I was drawn to the “wall of Vive”, along this wall sits the Vive product line and all sorts of other goodies to pique interest. With good reason too because Vive is quite an amazing program, and I was so thrilled when Elase offered me a free week of the Vive program […]

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The moment I stepped into Elase, I was drawn to the “wall of Vive”, along this wall sits the Vive product line and all sorts of other goodies to pique interest. With good reason too because Vive is quite an amazing program, and I was so thrilled when Elase offered me a free week of the Vive program just so that I could tell you about it. How amazing is that?

You all know that I struggle with my weight. It goes up and down and up and down and generally up again. While I know this is part psychological and mostly physical, it drives me crazy, and the opportunity to have a coach work with me through all of the ups and downs sounded like an amazing idea.

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Here are some of the things you get when you sign up for Vive. You get a Blender Bottle, a bottle of oil, two bags of MRP (Meal Replacement Protocol shakes) and some Real Salt.

Then you get a little blood test that measures your cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

And of course, my favorite part of any weight loss, you get weighed and measured.

What I like about Elase is that they have the InBody 520 in office. The InBody is more than just a scale, it is a really awesome scale that measures not only total body weight, but breaks that weight down into lean body mass, body fat mass, intra and extracellular water, your BMI (which we know kind of sucks for everyone), your percentage of body fat, and a segmental lean analysis which helps determine the ratio of muscle on different parts of your body.

Uhm? AMAZING! They do this EVERY WEEK when you weigh in. This helps to pinpoint the areas you are losing weight, whether it is muscle, fat or water…and if you are gaining in these areas as well.

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The program consists of daily exercise routines, drinking 3 WIO Meal Replacement Protocol shakes (The shakes are pretty good, and you get to add 4 ounces of a low carbohydrate shake into them. This makes them creamy. You also have the choice to add flavor supplements to change up the shake flavors a bit. My favorite is peanut butter. I highly recommend the chocolate shakes, I did not like the vanilla MRP at all), and a healthy meal consisting of protein and healthy vegetables. After a few weeks Smart Foods are brought into your diet like yummy muffins, and my favorite, ham, egg, and cheese croissants.

My first week results were as follows:

-1.3 lbs
-.5″ neck
-.75″ bicep
-.25″ shoulders
-1.5″ chest
-1.25″ belly button
-.5″ waist
-.5″ thigh

These are some pretty impressive inch loss numbers.

I enjoyed the results of my first week so much that I signed up for the full program and extended a month. Normally Vive is a 20 week medical weight loss program, but you can extend the program to fit your weight loss needs. You learn how to add healthy foods back into your daily routine and life lessons to keep you on track.

Come back in a few weeks when I give you the entire weight loss breakdown and my final thoughts on the Vive Medical Weight Loss program from Elase Medical Spa.

Call Elase today for your free consultation! 1-801-49-LASER

by Kim Orlandini 2013

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Something I Never Thought I’d Do — Laser Skin Lightening Tue, 08 Oct 2013 00:23:55 +0000 Skin Lightening.  I did it.  Just call me Michael Jackson.  Unlike MJ I only had some dark freckles and sunspots removed. I have a friend who, like me, is brand ambassadering for Elase (which means we’re being treated for free in exchange for these posts). She recently underwent the skin lightening procedure and told me that it  hurt […]

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Skin Lightening.  I did it.  Just call me Michael Jackson.  Unlike MJ I only had some dark freckles and sunspots removed.

I have a friend who, like me, is brand ambassadering for Elase (which means we’re being treated for free in exchange for these posts). She recently underwent the skin lightening procedure and told me that it  hurt like a mother in labor!

I was very nervous about this procedure, but I said I would try it and I am a woman of my word.

I was hopeful that hers was painful because she basically had her whole face done.  I was only having a few spots treated.

See the brown spots under my eye and on my cheek on the right side of the photo below?

How to get rid of freckles laser skin lightening

They’re freckles that have always been there but strangely seem to be getting darker with age.

I’ll be honest, I’ve always been aware they were there, but they’ve never really bothered me all that much especially since I didn’t think there was anything you could do about it anyway.

When they told me I could have them removed, I decided to go for it. I know some people have more spots than I do that that DO bother them quite a bit.  I thought you might like to see what it was like to go though this process.

So here’s my before shot wearing NO facial make-up (just mascara and eyeliner).

Laser Skin lightening utah

Below is the after shot in similar light and with the same level of make-up as before.

laser skin lightening results

What you see are the excellent results of just one treatment. Almost totally gone.

It’s typical to be treated twice if necessary and it all counts as the same appointment, meaning you only pay for one appointment.

Now for the question….Was it painful?  I used this stuff 20 minutes before my appointment. Does Laser Hair Removal Hurt?

I slathered it on my face and rubbed it in good.

They gave me this stress ball to hold. Laser Skin Lightening Draper

Then I was really scared.  If they have to provide something to hold on to, it can’t be good, right?

Then I started my procedure.  I love how glamorous I always look during these procedures.Should I get laser skin lightening?

When you go, rest assured that no one will be there to photograph you.  My favorite part is the steel goggles. They make everyone look so normal and great!

I thought I would just have the two or three spots on my cheek done, but they zapped about 20 of my darkest freckle and sunspots. Did it hurt?  No…It did not.

What does laser skin lightening feel like utah

Despite how this looks, nothing touches you.  It’s exactly the same as laser hair removal, but the settings of the machine are focused and intensified.

I won’t say the procedure was comfortable, but I certainly wouldn’t qualify it as pain. All I felt were the tiniest little zips of energy.  It might have felt like little stings with out the use of the Dr. Numb, but with it, I could have done it all day long with out complaint.

She zapped the main spots with the laser several times.  About an hour after the procedure, I could feel a slight sting in those main spots.  It wasn’t painful, I could just tell that something had happened there.

The spots she zapped darkened WAY up immediately afterward and remained dark, dark for several days.  Apparently I was not thoughtful enough to snap a photo of this to show you.  Oops.  I thought I had.

It takes about a week for your face to fully recover.  The spots turn into tiny scabs and when they fall off, the spots are just gone. I took

these shots 10 day after the procedure.

Elase Laser Skin Lightening

I’m very happy with the results. I feel like my face looks smoother and less splotchy than ever before. laser skin lightening results

If you have dark spots or sun damage that bothers you more than it should and you have some money to throw at the problem, just consider getting them treated.

I highly recommend Elase and not just because they’re paying me to say that.  These people are the experts in this State.  They are professional, have the best equipment and most experienced staff.

How to get rid of freckles laser skin lighteningElase Laser Skin Lightening

You might be able to find it cheaper somewhere else, but do you want a discount laser job on your face?  You get what you pay for and for what my opinion is worth, I say Elase is the way to go.  Watch for specials or packages.  They do their best give offer fair pricing.

Obagi Skin Care Line Utah

If you’re not ready for the laser and don’t think there are any other options, I have it on good authority (I have not tried this system) that this Obagi line of products is basically a miracle for all over complexion correction.

I’m not sure what the system costs, but it’s not cheap.  But, like I said before, you get what you pay for and from the before and after shots I saw, this is a miracle in a bottle.

by Kristin 2013

Originally posted on:

The post Something I Never Thought I’d Do — Laser Skin Lightening appeared first on Elase.
